What you don't know about your personal credit may acutally hurt your credit.  When was the last time you saw a copy of your personal credit report?  If you haven't checked it recently, it might be time to go ahead and get a copy.  Especially if you are considering purchasing real estate in the near future.

It is estimated that 2 out of 5 people have the wrong information on their credit reports.  Incorrect information can cause long delays in the approval process and can be the basis for denial of credit, including a mortgage.

The time to check with the three major credit reporting agency is when you don't need the credit.  It sometimes can take months to straighten out any problems and you don't need the added stress while you are going through the homebuying process.

There are three major credit reporting agencies - Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union.  Because they operate differently, it is wise to check with all three.  By law you are allowed to check your credit with each of these agencies once a year.  A little secret:  Check each agency every 4 months and you'll keep yourself in check with your credit year round!  You can either do it on-line or by phone.